Rotoweld 3.0 Single Bay
Specialized for spool prefabrication for large diameter automated pipe spool welding.
Increase productivity with the Rotoweld 3.0 Single Bay automated pipe spool welder. This turnkey technology will typically increase your productivity to 150 dia inch per day.
- 75mm to 1065mm Diameter Capacity
- 4,535kg Pipe Stand Capacity
- 150+ dia inch Daily Productivity Capacity
Rotoweld 3.0
Specialized for spool prefabrication.
Put your hands on automated pipe spool welding with the Rotoweld 3.0 Single Bay. This turnkey technology will typically increase your productivity to 150 dia inch per day.
Rotoweld 3.0
Single Bay
Welding Torches and Wire Feeder
> Designed with 2 welding torches: one to perform open-root-pass butt welds and the other for filling passes
> Each torch has its own wire spools. Root pass is done in GMAW; choices for fill passes: GMAW, FCAW, MCAW.
> Separate gas shielding system for each torch
> Robotized torch welding arm for fast and repeatable torch positioning on selected pipe diameter
> Torches can be easily switched — optional SAW available.
Robotic Welding Arm
> Self-positioning of the arm in welding position in just a few seconds with no human manipulation
> Welding vision system controls the puddle penetration and adapts welding parameters in real time
> Embedded LED lighting allows the welder to easily align the torch in the bevel before starting to weld.
> Optional fillet weld for slip-on flanges.
Seamless Integration
Proprietary designed rail system
> Rails are the backbone of the Rotoweld 3.0 and can be level on any shop floor conditions
> Rails are factory pre-assembled and pre-aligned for maximum on-site precision
> Seamless integration; no wires lying on the ground
> Welding station and optional fume extractor travel on the rails to desired position simply by using the joystick
> Single Bay comes with 2 rails for a total of 32 ft. (9.75 m).You can upgrade a Single Bay Rotoweld to a Twin Bay.
Heavy-duty Pipe Stands
> 2 pipe stands that can be moved quickly and easily on the rail while staying aligned with the rotator to guarantee perfect positioning
> A hand pump connected to the hydraulic cylinder levels the pipe section easily, efficiently and safely
> Heavy-duty steel idler rolls allow the pipe to turn freely. Optional rubber idler rolls are available for stainless steel application.
> Diameter range: 3 in. to 42 in. / 75 mm to 1,065 mm
> Load capacity: 10,000 lbs. / 4,535 kg
High-torque Rotators
> Minimal set-up time required due to its self-aligned design
> Specially designed for the Rotoweld to have total control on the weld puddle
> Diameter capacity: 3 in. to 42 in. / 75 mm to 1,065 mm
> Centre line clearance to ground: 65 in. /1,605 mm
> Operation speed range: 0.2 to 1.9 rpm
> Load capacity: 3,000 lbs. / 1, 360 kg
> Maximum torque: 50,000 lbs.-in / 5,649 n-m
> Optional stainless steel grippers
4D Synergy Welding
4D Synergy Welding
User Interface Features:
> UI entirely browsable with the Rotoweld pendant
> Large centred image of the torch in the bevel (arc-off) and the weld puddle (arc-on)
> User and Engineering modes easily toggled with the engineering lock key
> Welding program visible at all times with a live cursor that indicates the progression of the weld
> Expandable menus to enter key informationWelding information display.
Gives you:
An overview of your productivity for a period of time that can be filtered by welder, welding programs and job number
A daily report in a chart that contrasts the arc-on-time, the complete procedure and interruption
Details on each joint:
> Displays the welding parameters used for all passes as a function of degrees of rotation
> Displays the complete welding program that was loaded for that joint
> Records a live video of each pass, pushing the limits of investigating welding practices or joint preparation
> Displays the temperature measurements and waiting times between passes for temperature-sensitive material.