Fabricating consistent, high-quality welds and keeping up with production levels are some of the biggest challenges faced in the welding and fabrication industry. With most Australian companies moving to automated cutting and folding, manual welding has become the number one bottleneck to quality and production. When welding by hand, the reality is that even the most skilled welders can experience fatigue and open up the possibility of rework or simple human error, adding to the pressures and bottlenecking the production line, causing delays and potential loss of revenue.
Businesses can now turn these issues from a challenge to an opportunity with an Orbimax Cobot…
User-friendly with simple programming
The Orbimax Collaborative Robot (Cobot) is simple and user friendly, meaning your skilled welders can use it without needing a background or knowledge in programming. With an automated Cobot you can maximise levels of production, alleviate the bottlenecks and offer more with less, all through the intuitive nature of the Cobot. Once programmed, the Cobot works collaboratively alongside your workforce, producing seamless consistent welds, allowing skilled welders to focus on more intricate welds.
The Cobot stores and saves welding parameters as programs, so you can save time and eliminate the need to re-program the same tasks. In addition, make better, more informed decisions with the data provided by Cobot, while effortlessly producing consistent high-quality welds day-in, day-out.
Your competitive advantage is Collaborative
A Cobot welder provides the user with precise cycle times and consumable usage meaning you can focus on driving down lead times. This allows you to unlock new opportunities for your business and make repetitive tasks flawless and predictable, freeing up your skilled welders to work on more complex tasks. This means less downtime, faster setup, and higher levels of production with unmatched weld consistency, giving you not only a clear competitive advantage but a greater return on investment.
A Cobot allows any business to not only accept more jobs, but to offer a wider range of services and de-bottleneck the production process – speeding up your time-to-market.
Connect the smart and simple and #weldsmarter with Orbimax – the future of welding is in your hands…
Alleviate your bottlenecks – download the Orbimax Cobot Welder brochure.